What don't you envy about being a man?

I get that it’s hurtful and embarrassing – but overall, I don’t see the issue. There are so, so, SO many adult male predators out there...and they’re not just creeps in alleys. They’re dads, they’re teachers, they’re coaches, they’re neighbors. So many women have stories about being followed, leered it, cat-called, touched, and even raped by grown adult male predators when these women were kids. It’s not some small percentage of the population – adult male sex offenders and pedophiles are everywhere. So while I do get that it must be embarrassing and annoying to constantly be seen as suspicious, I think it’s more important that women ARE watching and noting and reporting. If you’re innocent and actually a father, you’ll be inconvenienced – but you obviously won’t go to prison or get into real trouble.

Why? Because if it had been a random creep sitting in the seats waiting to see your daughter dance, I’m positive you would want that man caught and made to leave.

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