Picked up a 6 pack of Kokanee in bottles. $14.45. That means 2 beers, is now 5 bucks. What's it like in other provinces?

should you be drinking OP? I mean you got a DUI this month did you not? lost your job over it? do you not remember making the post here? you deleted it pretty fast...maybe put down the beer for a bit.

Thread's deleted so this is just for you to read. Deleting it after.

I know man.. here's the deal with the drinking. In the 90's and 2000's I used to pick up cases of beer and booze it up here. Got out of that in recent years. So just not even boozing it up anymore.

I'm not like one of those alcoholics who have that gene where, when they quit they constantly think about it the whole time. It's just like whatever, busy workin on the tunes and music video so doesn't bother me not boozing it up. I don't have that actual alcoholic gene.

Last year when I was doing my taxes, checking online banking history was thinking, oh when's the last time I picked up beer. It was around a year last spring. Thru the summer, hadn't drank for a year and a half. Before that, my whole life, you always pick some up most weekend pick some up. You know, social type drinking but got no friends. haha.

Then I'd drive out to see this old buddy in the country who used to be my neighbor when growing up. He's a drummer. I'd go hang out with those guys once in a while. So last summer stopped by. Wanted to film some footage of his dog for this music video I was working on.

Boozed it up. But in months after that, I still wouldn't pick any up. Just too lazy to go head out and go to the vendor. Couldn't be in rough shape either cause had to work every night at 2am.

Well fuckin couple weeks ago, go for a visit, his buddies are over. I bring an 8 of kokanee. Here's the problem, once I'm boozed up, I keep going eh. So had a couple of their keystone after. Hadn't eaten since mid morning, some good chicken stir fry and noodles. Was about 12 hours.

On the highway, didn't have to puke but if I'm too loaded just automatically pull over. I see a driveway, pull in there, park by the house garage. Hung loose for a bit. Then trying to pull out, was stuck in half a foot of snow.

I got a little shovel in the car. Too loaded, go knock on the house door. Some couple answers and called the fuckin oakbank rcmp. I was trying to shovel it out and they showed up. Wasn't difficult, more relieved. That 9 year newspaper job was over. Lost 2 jobs there doing that.

Now i'm doubly fucked. on and on and on. Got 100 buck cdn tire bike. Completely fucked right now with the job situation. Gotta get some kind of warehouse job. Feet wouldn't be able to handle it for too long. Not easy trying to get a job these days.

I gotta wait for autopac photo id. Then can get a record check from wps to apply at places. Had 1500 bucks when this happened. Doing my income tax on the 16th. Get 1500 there. Right now can't even pay the 300 for 4E steel toes and 50 buck insoles I get.

Then ya got the 2014 prius over in anola. 60 days there. 1 year into a 4 yr lease. Gonna give it back. Good luck getting that over to mcphillips toyota. Last fall dinged the bumper in a circle driveway. Last oil change they said need new front bumper 3 grand there. I'll see if I can do autopac on that. Probably not. Impound fees to get that car out, my bet couple grand.

Probably be getting a snail mail for a court date for that. Be a fine, i don't know how much probably a couple grand.

I got a dui in 2005. You guessed it, stupid circumstances again. Hanging out with some chick. You know like friends hang out. Was hanging out with her and her boyfriend. Well i drove her to go shag her lover out in warren up highway 6. I had a 6 pack during an hour while waiting nearby. After they back to the car, we go to the vendor, pick up beer. He was living in a trailer park at his grandparents. We get back and sitting in the car in the driveway listening to tunes with the car off. Hung out for a couple beers. Somebody along the way called the stonewall rcmp. cause boom not even a couple beers in, they showed up. Got care & control over .08. Just barely blew over.

I don't wanna get my brother involved in this so spent the night in the cell. Walked home from stonewall end of feb. Some nice guy picked me up at the perimeter.

I was working courier for 3 years at that point. So lost that job again. That chick and her boyfriend had recently got kicked out from where they were living so were staying at my place. Not too long later they moved out.

I was temping it for a few months then got a job at a place for a year. Got my licence back. Got into the newspaper eventually. Did that 9 years. Now it's back to how it was then.

So 2nd dui here, when i was cancelling autopac for the next couple months said something about 2018. But I can't afford to run vehicles anymore either way. That last one cost me a grand a month with lease, autopac and 25 bucks gas every few days. I wanted to get out of it but you check the job bank and what are you gonna do. Plus high level of bills eh. You're looking at 3 jobs.

Now I just gotta find 1. Feet are fucked though. Left heel from steel toes in warehouse 9 years till 2002. Walking around now that one's kinda iffy. The right heel ligament going to the calf is oddly fucked the past year. Doesn't hurt but if I run even 50 ft it's like it gets over extended and is sore for a week. Cannot even run across the street or it'll get aggravated. I think that could be from the gas brake all the time but didn't hurt then.

Thought about it and a year ago changed the way I walk. Used to be like 10 to 2 on a clock with them pointing outwards. Tried to make them point straight but would notice that right outer heel ligament would be more stretched. That's more what it was than the driving. So been walking at 11 to 1 now and it's better but that'll take seasons to try and get back to normal.

Both feet are fucked and looks like going back into warehouses. Wanna do something different than I have. Not easy out there looking for work. Got any ideas or help, let me know.

Just picked up a 6 pack there, hadn't boozed it up since. Still got 2 in the fridge. Not one of those kinds of alcoholics.

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