Planning on buying the game, how is the endgame, pvp/pve?

PVP is currently unbalanced and can be more than silly at times but it is very tolerable for the most part. I still enjoy it. The only form of PVP ESO has at the moment is Cyrodiil which is exactly like GW2 WvW except a lite version of it. 3 factions face off over one map and try to take castles and keeps from one another. They also have a sort of capture the flag element with you being able to capture the enemies elder scroll and run it back across the map to your territory. Currently it isn't really player versus player as much as it is siege vs siege. The damage on siege was recently buffed and it destroys everyone so even if you are in small groups fighting small groups out in the middle or no where someone will just drop a balista and start firing. It is the silliest of the silly.

World Bosses in PVE aren't really all that difficult to solo for the most part. Some are. You only kill them once though because exp and item rewards are only good for your first kill.

There are dungeons everywhere. Every 15 feet you will find another solo or public dungeon. Each map usually has one group dungeon (the group dungeons are the ones you are familiar with from other MMO's while public and solo are ones you would be familiar with from TES solo play games). Public and Solo dungeons both allow multiple people in them at once regardless of whether or not you are grouped with them. Which is awesome. The problem is that they are beyond tiny. They are small. So....small. There are no dungeons, at least from what I have seen, that even remotely come close to the scale of dungeons in the older TES games. That's a major disappointment.

/r/elderscrollsonline Thread