[Please advise] Veteran in need of real world career advice. CS or IT?

If algebra is hard for you and looks like the davinci code to you how do you expect to be a programmer?

Does this look like davinci code to you?

[quote]#include <linux/export.h>

include <linux/kobject.h>

include <linux/string.h>

include <linux/pm-trace.h>

include <linux/workqueue.h>

include <linux/debugfs.h>

include <linux/seq_file.h>

include "power.h"



/* Routines for PM-transition notifications */

static BLOCKING_NOTIFIER_HEAD(pm_chain_head);

int register_pm_notifier(struct notifier_block *nb) { return blocking_notifier_chain_register(&pm_chain_head, nb); } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(register_pm_notifier);

int unregister_pm_notifier(struct notifier_block *nb) { return blocking_notifier_chain_unregister(&pm_chain_head, nb); } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(unregister_pm_notifier);

int pm_notifier_call_chain(unsigned long val) { int ret = blocking_notifier_call_chain(&pm_chain_head, val, NULL);

return notifier_to_errno(ret);


Or this?

[quote]function quicksort( $array ) { if( count( $array ) < 2 ) { return $array; } $left = $right = array( ); reset( $array ); $pivot_key = key( $array ); $pivot = array_shift( $array ); foreach( $array as $k => $v ) { if( $v < $pivot ) $left[$k] = $v; else $right[$k] = $v; } return array_merge(quicksort($left), array($pivot_key => $pivot), quicksort($right)); }[/quote]

Or this?

[quote] ;; quicksort in assembly by Chuck Liang. ;; quicksort wraps around quickaux

.386p .model flat, C .stack .data .code ;; [ebp+8] is start address, [ebp+12] is end address of partition quickaux proc push ebp mov ebp,esp pushad

mov ebx,[ebp+8]     ; start of partition
;;  find pivot index:   

ploop: cmp ebx,[ebp+12] ; last cell of partition? jge qretrn ; no pivot, so exit mov eax, [ebx+4] ; A[i+1] cmp eax, [ebx] ; A[i] jl pfound ; A[i]>A[i+1], pivot found add ebx,4 ; next cell jmp ploop pfound: ;; at this point, ebx holds mem address of pivot ;; now partition into < and >= pivot via repeated swapping. ;; use two counters: ebx and esi. ebx always points to the ;; first cell of second partition (what's >= pivot) mov ecx,[ebx] ; save pivot in ecx mov esi,ebx add esi,4 ; next cell tloop: ; partitioning loop cmp ecx,[esi] ; compare pivot against element jle noswap ; no swap if element >=pivot ;; swap [ebx] and [esi], advance both mov eax,[ebx] push eax ; use stack as temp mov eax,[esi] mov [ebx],eax pop eax mov [esi],eax ; done swap add ebx,4 ; next cell must still be >= pivot noswap:
add esi,4 ; goto next cell, preserve ebx cmp esi,[ebp+12] ; end of partition? jle tloop ; next iteration of partition loop

;;  at this point, ebx holds start addr of second partition
;;  (could be pivot itself).
;;  make recursive calls to quickaux:   

;;  first partition:
sub ebx,4
push ebx        ;  end of first paritition
mov eax,[ebp+8]      
push eax        ;  start of first partition
call quickaux
add esp,8       ;  deallocate params
;;  second partition
mov eax,[ebp+12]
push eax        ;  end of second partition
add ebx,4
push ebx        ;  start of second partition
call quickaux
add esp,8

qretrn: popad mov esp,ebp pop ebp ret quickaux endp

;;  the quicksort procedure is just a wrapper around quickaux,
;;  for ease of integration into high level language.
;; void quicksort(int *A, int start, int end)

quicksort proc push ebp mov ebp,esp pushad mov ebx,[ebp+8] ; start addr of array mov eax,[ebp+16] ; end index of partition shl eax,2 ; multiply by 4: sizeof(int)==4 add eax,ebx ; eax holds end addr of partition mov ecx,[ebp+12] ; start index of partition shl ecx,2 add ecx,ebx ; start addr of partition push eax ; quickaux expects start and end push ecx ; addresses of partition as arguments. call quickaux
add esp,8 popad mov esp,ebp pop ebp ret quicksort endp end

;; FYI: quicksort in Prolog: 

; pivot([A,B|T],A) :- A > B, !. ; pivot([A,B|T],C) :- pivot([B|T],C). ; ; partition(Pv,[A|T],[A|As],B) :- A < Pv, partition(Pv,T,As,B). ; partition(Pv,[A|T],B,[A|As]) :- A >= Pv, partition(Pv,T,B,As). ; partition(Pv,[],[],[]). ; ; quicksort(A,B) :- ; pivot(A,P), !, ; partition(P,A,L,M), ; quicksort(L,SL), quicksort(M,SM), ; append(SL,SM,B). ; quicksort(A,A).


Just some random code snippets in a variety of languages. You need to really get used to learning arbitrary syntax and if algebra confuses you (which is extremely standardized and simple quite honestly) I think you will have trouble

Make sure you can do algebra and basic math before pursuing this or you may waste your GI bill on a topic you can't handle.

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