One of you guys inspired me to just text a lone asterisk to my buddy who is a Pats fan, things escalated quickly.

So you are claiming two completely different things.

Two completely different things? I stated that the Patriots removed him from the roster during the charges initially and that it was good foresight. My comment is pretty consistent.

How can one be convinced of a statement just because of how severe the charge is?

because people don't just get charged with murder and arrested on a hunch. There has to be overwhelming evidence to show this.

And we can start drawing lines about what's "too severe" to be charged with, in which case, I bring up Ray Rice who wasn't even charged with assault

Ray Rice plead guilty to aggravated assault. You seem to be recalling your facts poorly. He had to do this to enter the pretrial diversion program which allowed him to spend 0 jail time. Something rarely granted even though his actions as seen on camera were easily disturbing enough to not allow such an easy out.

So obviously the distinction between charges and conviction is arbitrary regardless of the crime.

Not really sure what you are getting at here. Murder is easily the most severe crime you can commit. The repercussions are just as severe.

But my opinion is that it's not a foresight we should encourage or give them a pat on the back [pun not intended, but appreciated], because it's rather toxic to the community to shoot first and ask questions later

Not sure I agree with this. There is no toxicity'd be hard pressed to find any company outside of the NFL or the entertainment industry that would allow a person to stay on while charged with MURDER. Not some negligent murder either like Dante Stallworth which the Patriots had no issue with because he made amends. Actual full blown murder. I think you really should try to differentiate the severity of what you are saying here.

Also, small sidenote, but a lot changed when Hernandez was convicted than Lewis.

I won't disagree with this at all, in fact, I agree completely. A lot has changed but for the better and much of it had to do with the most recent commissioner wanting to clean up the NFL's image which he has, for the most part.

In the end, the team ultimately decides what it wants to be associated with and the Patriots chose wisely to not have Hernandez, whether guilty or not at the time, associated with him. It's willfully ignorant to not see how the team went out of their way to distance from him. Either way, thanks for the perspective.

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