Please keep comments to Comm Comm and snapchat stories to BarelyBored.

Please. It doesn't make any sense to these comments in this video. This show should keep it's nice, debate structure. These shows should not try to awkwardly try to mix. It just doesn't work.

This was the original OP's statement...His post was basically saying "please dont try to intermix the structure of the shows. please don't make it so barelybored doesnt have that nice debate structure, i dont want you guys to mix the commentary mix with this new show"

So it's exactly implied as to my statement. They said way back when they announced the changes that some shows may move temporarily, but don't think that they're gone. This is exactly what they meant. Comm Comm will be back.

this is what you just replied with...and that's something i clearly emphasized in my own post as well. Did you even read the rest of my post? (maybe you meant your post to be an emphasizing and addition to my point as well so if that's the case then my bad.)

I was basically saying the show's arent changing their format really. the giveout thing and comment of the week are probably going to be there whether its comm comm or barely bored or whatever show they might put on for friday. Besides the small tid bit of change for that barely bored isn't changing the snapchat subject-> debate style of video. I also put in note that its just scheduling experimentation not them really changing the video style format.

I'm glad someone else gets it. People act like the sky's falling when anything tiny happens that's not the comfortable format we've been conditioned to. I even made it a point in my post i made, cause people are so conditioned to 4 TTs and a comm comm, that any kind of change to that format makes people freak out and that's not healthy for a channel or its viewership. Change and growth are necessary to keep a channel new and alive.

I mean...i love table talk, i've been around since comm comm ~53 (Honestly, comm comm is what made me fall in love with SF from the start). i miss meg, elliot, ross, and joe as much as anyone else does as well, but people gotta understand and accept it and get through the change to embrace new things. That's just life and that's also one of the beauties of it all. Change keeps us going.

/r/SourceFed Thread