"I don't understand people who are vegan" This one of the most common things to listen every day. Here is my answer. It works really fine and save me great time.

If your wrote your first comment like you wrote this one, I was not going to feel bad at all about it. I never hit first, never.

But man, you started accusing me to insult people and I wasn't insulting anyone (usually are vegans who are really insulted and bullied in the daily life btw that's why I shared this post) Next thing you said was about the seven paragraphs I wrote and how it could not be a conversation.

You should understand this doesn't look like a friendly way to chat with someone.

I'm ok with constructive criticism, right now you are being constructive so I feel ok with it, before was not.

But I now I can answer feeling comfortable:

In my experience most of the people who talks to a vegan when they notice he is a vegan is not because they want to have a conversation, its because they want to make fun of him or because they have nothing better to say. Most of them will start the conversation feeling superior and that's really insulting in my opinion, and answer them polite will not help to change the situation.

You know, I really believe that most of the meat eaters are lazy and are irresponsible. I believe it because I was one of them short time ago. I was rejecting veganism, I did fun from vegans and I never consider seriously how unfair was to kill animals like that.

Things changed when I start to study a bit, when I started to look for answers and information and when after to find the truth I decided I also should take responsibility in this like vegans are doing. I was lazy and irresponsible thats why took me almost 25 years to change. There is nothing wrong on it, I changed and Im proud of it.

I think call things by their name is not something wrong, I already experienced how some meat eaters who came at me making fun started to change their minds later when I simply put the reality of the truth in front of them. And yes calling them irresponsible worked just fine, because in that moment they stopped to feel funny or superior to me.

I will not insult anyone but I have no problem to use the proper words when necessary.

Now speaking in this way, I'm glad to the conversation with you and I have no problem even if you still in disagreement with everything I say. Not apologies are necessary man, we are in the same side.

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