What's a story that you have always wanted to tell, bet never found the right thread for?

Me and my bud were left home alone one night (aged 14) we couldn't be bothered to cook anything and decided to try out a new fast food restaurant that had just opened in the next village. It was about a 30 mins walk to the petrol-station/restaurant and it was around 10pm and quickly approaching pitch black darkness. The walk to the restaurant was pretty normal, there was a bit of a chill in the air but for england it was actually quite warm. We got to the restaurant/petrol-station at around 9:30 to discover that it had already closed. No problem, the petrol station sells sandwiches anyway. We then grabbed some food and began queuing. Seemingly out of nowhere a small red corsa pulls up in the car-park and out step two tall men in overalls. They enter the shop and begin looking around. I'd been queuing for a while now and the men were still looking for stuff to buy. All of a sudden I feel a chill down the back of my neck and instantly flinch and turn around. It was one of those guys. I say sorry mate, you just made me jump! He doesn't reply. He just stands there staring at me with no expression on his face. His friend turns around and continues to stare at me also. These guys are freaking me the fuck out. My friend has noticed this too. Finally we are all payed up and begin our walk home. Our walk home is the same for the most part. Its small country roads and a small tunnel that goes under a train track. As we approach that tunnel we hear a car approaching from behind us. Neither of us turn to look but we both notice that its slowing down. The same car we saw earlier with the two guys in rolls slowly past us, the car is now doing no more than 2 miles an hour. Both people in the car are staring at us intensely. I mumble under my breath "this isnt right" to my friend who replys "I'm really fucking scared, should we run?" We dont. We carry on walking with eyes fixed forward towards this tunnel. The car speeds up and goes up over the train track and out of sight. We then enter the tunnel and all is quiet. Then just as suddenly as the man appeared behind me in the queue, two car doors are slammed. We cant see anything at either end of the tunnel and begin freaking the fuck out. We decided the best thing to do is run towards the closest exit which was the way we came in. Due to the road we were on there was no place we could run to. We were closer to home than the petrol station and the walk back there was unlit and exposed. My friend pointed out a ditch that we could hide in and proceeded to do so. And so we just sat there in this overgrown bush in a ditch. We didn't hear another car go past or door slam for a good thirty minutes and decided we should make our way back as we were getting really cold by then. The rest of the way home I was facing backwards watching for the car or the two strange men. We ended up back at my house and immediately called up my parents who told us to sit tight until they got back. The next morning they explained to us that there are kidnappers operating in the area and its a bit of a miracle that we weren't taken. The whole time we were in that shop they were probably weighing us up and this thought alone freaks me the fuck out to this day. Feels weird posting this online somewhere. I guess I've never seen a thread where this seems relevant.

/r/AskReddit Thread