Please recommend a hairstyle for my weird head shape. Also, if I grow my hair out (never done it before) will it turn into an afro?

Hi everyone. I believe that my hair will turn into this if I grow it out (I have the same ethnicity as these guys). Am I right?

My hair is very curly but its not your typical silky european/american curls. It's extremely thick and coarse, making it look like pubes. Funny thing is it used to look even worse than this beacuse I used to shampoo everyday making it extremly dry. I stopped that around a year ago and have been using just water since as my routine. Yet it hasn't changed much and it looks uglier now imo because these curls are out of control and i can't brush them at all.

Also, I literally never had a proper haircut in my life. I always tell the barber to just trim it short on all sides. Because there's literally no way to style this hair. IDK what to do.

Please help me out and preferably link an image if possible because i'm not all that familiar with haircut terms

/r/malehairadvice Thread Link -