The dumbest take on episode 3 goes to… Ben Shapiro

As usual on Reddit, find the honest truth and rational opinion in some of the most downvoted comments. People are literally only celebrating this episode because the couple was gay. I understand the show trying to illustrate the remaining degrees of humanity in this world. But it spent a painful amount of time on it this episode without advancing the plot during that time. Maybe 10 minutes of the episode were spent on any plot advancement or building of the main characters. Spending an hour building characters who die within that same episode is a closed loop that wastes the audience’s time. The “humanity” point with the couple—gay or straight—could’ve been made in 20 minutes of screen time at most. If they did this with a heterosexual couple it would be equally boring and equally a waste of time. So it seems clear this vignette got extra time solely because the writers and producers wanted their props for wokeness. Period.

Thankfully there’s a fast-forward option.

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