Please stop it with the martyrdom

Yes thank you. Our field can be stressful yes. But here I am in 100 degree weather, with a job in an office, with AC blasting so much I wear a sweater to work. With my own office. Where I'm pretty much trusted to do my job without interference from a supervisor. And then I think of all the other jobs out there. I live in California, so I often think of the migrant farmworkers out in the 100+ weather harvesting crops, for shitty wages, not even fully wanted in this country. Or I think of my own father an immigrant, who gets up often at 2:30 am or 3:30 am in both 36 degree or below weather to do his job in the winter, who has been known to work 60 hours a week in a vary dangerous job operating heavy machinery on sides of Mountains. ...

Our job can be emotionally exahusting, heartbreaking, stressful. And many are underpaid for the amount of education we have to have. But--for many of us we have the option to leave our profession if we wanted to, for many of us we choose to do this profession. And getting choice is a huge privilege in itself.

/r/socialwork Thread