I don’t work at Starbucks. Besides the fact Customers SHOULD wear A MASK in the DRIVE-THRU.STORES are SHORT staffed. That TIPS are SHARED ! What can I DO to be a better customer/human and make the flow in ordering better for everyone during a rush this holiday season?

If something happened to your pet. You needed vet emergencies. But you couldn’t get them because the vet decided to stay home. Unrealistic. Or you get sick but can’t get a blood test via Mobile doctors visits. So you have to go to a hospital risking your life further. Or don’t get a blood test and that infection turns deadly . Because everyone decided to stay home.

Please be realistic. The world will spin madly on. I hate to sound like that person. But if its that big of a deal to you . Please find something else for work. If the risk of your health is at eminent risk. Your local sheriff yes only the sheriff has the power to shut down shops in your area.

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