podcast being stolen!

I think some of you defenders of this guy got a big ass crush on him or something. It's a little over the top.

So, so true. I just watched his latest video, and instead of commenting on the victim in the story, of 10K comments, over 90 percent are: "Oh mr ballen you are amazing!" "Oh, mr ballen, you do this so well!" "Oh mr ballen you saved my life listening to you!"

Like, they pay zero attention to the story at all lol.

It's total fanboy/fangirl festival over there on YT.

And the podcasts are just all "remastered" from the YT channel, with almost no new content. His mom writes some of the original content now and she must do romance novels because it's def not Mr Ballen. "her starlit eyes gazed at him and his heart swelled in fear for her...he knew there were monsters in the night" Ah, hell no.

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