Polar Vortex Preparations?

I did my grocery shopping yesterday, made sure I was stocked up on cat food. I'm not particularly worried about being snowed in or anything, I just want to avoid needing to go out in the worst of it. Who wants to haul stuff around in the cold and snow if they can avoid it?

Power is pretty reliable around here, we've had worse and longer storms and nothing happened, so whatever. My heat and my stove are powered by gas (my stove is so ancient it doesn't even have a clock or an electric ignition) so the only dangers in a power outage is the contents of my fridge and boredom, but I got books and flashlights and battery powered radios, including one with a hand crank.

Depending how bad it gets I might go out and do some photography. Not going far, just a few local parks, maybe down by the river. If we get slammed I'll see if my mom wants me to help them dig out. My brother has a big beefy snow blower that probably will do more work than I do, but I offer anyway in case she needs an extra hand in juggling vehicles in the driveway.

I'm not worried about my pipes, that's the landlord's problem. What I am worried about is having to dig out my car, but that's just a pain in the ass thing, not a "my life is in danger" thing.

/r/AskAnAmerican Thread