Poll: Trump beats Clinton head-to-head

You claim Hillary is a compulsive liar (in comparison to Trump). It's much easier to find lies from Trump than Hillary. You may not like what Hillary has to say but it's more factual than the things Trump has said.

I think its less about who lies less or more and who is lying about the important stuff.

If you look at how Hillary handled taking money from Wall Street

"They just paid me to speak, thats just how much they were offering"

"It has no influence on me, everyone does it, Obama did it, yea look guys yea remember Obama, we like him, oh yea what were we talking about?"

Then the DNC lifts the ban and she takes more money and now has virtually unlimited spending and this is after she claims she told Wall Street to 'cut it out'.

She is lying through her teeth daily about the influence of Wall Street on her and its a big deal because its Sander's Campaign's biggest issue.

I can't recall anything of major importance that Trump has lied about, he even openly admitted to using bankruptcy laws for his benefit. Trump tells it how it is even when you don't want to hear it, that speaks a lot about honesty to me, at least on the things that matter.

Trumps biggest claim to fame is his business savvy and wealth. How do his multiple bankruptcies not qualify as irresponsible? He walked away still wealthy while thousands were left without jobs and ran into the ground.

Definitely valid criticism, but a few thousand jobs vs the institutionalised racism Hillary is personally responsible for with her labelling of these kids as "Superpredators" and her use of fear-mongering to make the people of America more susceptible to her husband's administrations legislature regarding crime.

Nonetheless, as I said, fair criticism of Trump. Just because I feel Hillary's wrong doings were worse it doesn't make Trump's flaws any better.

Trump was anti-war for Iraq AFTER the war had started.

Yea but he was still anti-war when a lot of people were all for it, remember that the American people were still being lied to for years, lets not pretend like being anti-Iraq War has been a common opinion for years and years. Most folk I know have only started to really understand why it was a bad war very recently. He also still predicted the civil war/unrest that would occur. Him and Sanders both have good records here, Hillary the contrary.

He also had nothing riding on that judgement call.

Having that kind of pressure on her should make her MORE likely to make the safe/informed decision. Supposedly, and I can't verify this for the life of me so if you don't believe it lets just ignore it and not get caught up on it, but apparently Clinton was given more information on Iraq than what she actually read through, the point being that she didn't make an entirely informed decision. Incredibly irresponsible. Even if Trump didn't have to make an actual decision, the bottom line is that Hillary did and she failed pretty bad.

Seems like he just cut out the middle man.

Not at all the point. If he becomes President, then he's going to be remembered for that, not being a TV personality or a business man. Trump is a very egotistical kind of guy, so once he's President, he's going to care about being a good president, the whole reason he ran in fact, was because he felt no one else was doing a good enough job.

At this point he could probably care less about getting richer, which is why he's pursuing politics now anyway.

Billionaires are only greedy because of investors. Trump doesn't care for any of this anymore. If he did, he would still be doing it.

I say this as a staunch supporter of Bernie, but look up Trump's policies, many of them are actually pretty sound.

Sure I disagree on his stance on abortion, and I wish he cared more about income inequality, but I know Clinton is corrupt anyway and doesn't give a damn about the people.

Ultimately though. Trump and Sanders are leaders, Hillary is not. Has nothing to do with gender and everything to do with her behaviour.

You can't pretend to champion wealth inequality whilst taking millions from George Soros. That is so extremely dishonest. Bernie doesn't just talk the talk, he walks the walk. He rejected big money and ran a campaign against it, Clinton wants to have her cake and eat it too.

Trump and Sanders have policies and stances consistent with their records, they say the truth however inconvenient it is, they seem radical in contrast to Hillary, an OG politician, because we've become accustomed to politicians lying compulsively.

Hillary's campaign can be broken down to the following:

  • No centralised issue

  • Invoking patriotism by bringing Obama and 9/11 up constantly

  • Invoking feminist support by constantly repeating misrepresented statistics to appear popular amongst women

  • Attack Bernie's policies disingenuously rather than with fact (he doesn't want to do away with healthcare, he CAN fund his policies quite easily and he isn't claiming wealth inequality fixes all issues but its the best place to start)

  • Reinforce the status quo (Your subscription to President Obama has run out, for another 4-8 years, please vote Hillary)

  • Double down on mediocre achievements such as ACA/Obamacare (90% coverage doesn't mean 90% of people are completely insured and even then it still costs way too much for many people)

  • Flaunt endorsements that prove she is paid for

To me none of the above is remotely inspiring in any way other than the fact that Hillary would inspire me to get off my ass and vote for whomever runs against her (not literally).

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - thehill.com