Pool Party Orianna

Orianna skin description: With her latest outfit, Orianna is finally able to submerge completely in aquatic biomes. This brings her great joy, as a day at the beach previously required subsequent weeks of scrubbing salt, sand, and sometimes an angry crab out of her gears.

This description highlights the issue I have with Orianna's character model. Based on the current model it feels like the focus was more on the design of her cloths rather than the functionality of her in water. Perhaps I'm taking the descriptions to literally, but I personally feel like it would make the design stronger if she was designed first as a robot meant to be aquatic. I do see the effort to make her design sleeker, but I think it could have been pushed further. At the end of the day the design choices could be argued in favor both ways since Orianna used to be human after all. I just feel Orianna's robot elements could help her skin design stick out in the sea of bathing suit pool party skins.

/r/LeaguePBE Thread