Private Tutoring in China

Honestly, if you are a white native speaker and you're not in a tier 1 city, you'll have more work thrown at you than you can do (Even from your colleagues at the university) and because the cost of living is usually less than half of a city like shanghai and because universities almost always provide your own free apartment, you can easily save a lot of money quickly. I have to turn down new work almost weekly and I've even been offered jobs by random people at the subway station or outside of random buildings just because I'm white and native speaker. I make more than 10k extra a month with my 12 hours of extra work each week and I only teach 16 hours a week for the university which pays about 8,500/mo.

So, living in China where the cost of living is 1/4 that of the US, I'm making more per month than my mom who works a 40 hour stressful job for a local government in the US. And I only work less than 30 hours a week (I have 3 days off each week too).

Less stress, no office hours, no "marketing activities", no weekends (unless you want to with private students), no kids (again, unless you want to), and approx 4 months of holiday each year (that's still paid)....

I'll never go with a training school, unless it's one that I start.

/r/TEFL Thread