Is product management hard to master?

I agree with your goal of the PM role, but I don't agree that you can come up with well-thought through, well-validated ideas without having any tech or data skills or knowing how the sausage is made. I think you can when the core product already has PMF and you're trying to optimize growth/monetization (Sheryl Sandberg with Facebook is the classic example, but she definitely has hardcore data skills), but not pre-PMF.

I'm more in the Elon Musk camp: a manager of lawyers (partner at law firm), a manager of investment bankers, a manager of management consultants typically cut their teeth by being...a lawyer, investment banker, or management consultant. Obviously this is different post-PMF where the PM role is to maximize growth/monetization, but I think making an actual new innovative product is hard to do without knowing how to make the actual product.

Just a philosophical difference. Different strokes for different folks. I respect your opinion.

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