[Prompt] Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, and Trans

It's actually really good. Well, i mean, as good as it can get. Theres no real social stigma but there is always that slight dissapointment they give their parents when they can't offer them biological children, but adoption is always possible, though expensive, so it isn't terrible.

Marriiage is fine as well, if two people love eachother and they're not fornicating in public, no one cares what diddly bits they have.

Trans people do okay, though finding a partner is a bit harder. There is more prejudice towards then compared to the LGB people, but still not as bad as it is in our world. A good anology would be places like the west coast of the USA, most people are supportive or don't give a shit, but assholes are in every society.

LGBT+ people stereotypically go into jobs they're more likely to encounter more people like them, things like theater, poetry, music, dance. Of course those are stereotypes and about 6 out 10 are either farmers or have more rural lifestyles.

It's pretty good for them. There's been no religious justification against them, which has helped a lot. Their culture also helps as it tends to look down upon people who invade others privacy.

/r/worldbuilding Thread