Property vs. Gamers2 | BO3 | 04.04.15 | 10:00 CEST

Player stats

Player Name Primary Team Rating (?) Total K/D K/D Ratio Kills per round
twist Property 1.08 4541/4135 1.10 0.76
schneider Property 1.07 6280/5627 1.12 0.74
rallen Gamers2 1.06 1065/988 1.08 0.73
MINISE Gamers2 0.98 2679/2803 0.96 0.69
pauf Property 0.98 1191/1213 0.98 0.68
mouz Gamers2 0.97 1230/1249 0.98 0.67
innocent Gamers2 0.94 2149/2285 0.94 0.66
zende Property 0.92 1331/1455 0.91 0.65
SZPERO Gamers2 0.87 1292/1522 0.85 0.61
berg Property 0.86 1793/2113 0.85 0.59

Team stats

Team Name Maps Played Wins / Draws / Losses Recent matches
Property 48 22 / 0 / 26 10-16, 21-16, 16-11, 8-16
Gamers2 9 1 / 0 / 8 13-16, 11-16, 8-16, 5-16


Note: Adding irrelevant players or teams will result in being added to the bot ignore list without warning.

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