Protest are happening in my home town of Portland Oregon, Blocking the streets and now the freeway... THE LIBERALS EVERYONE

I'm not alone here! I live downtown Portland by the university and I've had a few groups of people curse towards me for happily drinking some celebratory beers outside the bar. It's got bad enough I went incognito for the rest of the night, pretending I'm sad when I passed groups of people. But the feeling of glory is uncontainable. Could not be happier, even if I have nobody to share this happiness with. The protestors passed down my street a bit ago. Went down to investigate and there was a girl sitting on the front steps sobbing. It's funny, I actually felt really bad and sat down with her and shared some beer and cigarettes with her. She gave me a hug and cried a bit more. Before we went back inside I told her I was celebrating by myself. She stopped and looked semi shocked. Then she gave me another hug and said maybe you trump supporters aren't all bad. I said something sarcastic. She seemed to stop crying, we exchanged names, and she thanked me for talking her down and for the beer and smokes. I reassured her everything will be ok. Kind of odd way to end what should be a party of a night. Totally making peace with an opposite supporter on a night of battle.

Tl;dr live downtown Portland, dominated by democratic supporters. Received some ridicule while out drinking/celebrating but ended the night comforting a Hillary voter and made a new friend.

/r/The_Donald Thread Link -