PSVR Head-tracking for PS4

Ruffastoast said "That is different, once you've pressed R3 your previous controls which were mapped to that stick like Yaw or horizontal thrust is gone,"

correct and irrelevant as that can be mapped independently in the built in games menu.

Ruffastoast said "developers would have to patch in headtracking"


Ruffastoast said "it cant just magically happen with some magic code from Sony."

Why not? PS4 controls can be remapped in the XMB why not include headtracking or camera controls mapped to the VR positioning software like a mouse?

Ruffastoast said "Also you are suggesting that they make changes to the movement controls of the body"

not even once. You said that, not I.

Ruffastoast said" like I said, theres a difference, in a normal game like GTAV there is no body and head control, its all one thing, body and head are the same"

This is not true. Movement is controlled via left stick (default) and camera controls on the right stick. Please also note that GTA has several different functions depending on what mode you are in, for example; first person, 3rd person, on foot, in a car, in a plane, in a tank, in a helicopter. Have you even played GTA V?

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