I want to purchase or use a gun in Monmouth County, not a handgun necessarily

This is the thing I love about being a Jerseyan, while we are quick to argue and come off as arrogant assholes at first. We always seem to end a dispute on good terms. I am very thankful for your apology, as I had a very long day today and I'm glad we settled this in an adult manner. I apologise two for potentially coming off as a brain dead stoner. I actually don't even smoke anymore ironically. The company I work for drug tests, hence why my flair says "I just want to smoke already". However, I have smoked a shitton in the past so I can't say that I am completely innocent either.

It is a common misconception that people who smoke weed are dumb, I will give you credit and say a lot of them sure act that way.

The reason why stoners thinking of smoking as a hobby is that for some people, it is. Current studies on cannabis show that it does have more positive attributes than negative, despite the overall negative stigma on the plant. (Especially in New Jersey, don't even get me started on Christie calling it "Blood Money".)

Regardless, there is a lot of stoners, like myself, who only like to do it socially. I am not the biggest fan of smoking alone and would rather do it with friend(s). When I do smoke, I am not doing much harm to myself and especially no harm to others. You shouldn't be so jaded because, IMO, I feel gun people and stoners can actually have some common ground. The ground that no one should be able to tell us what we can or cannot do. The government has really started to crack down on gun activists and are trying to take away the right to bear arms. Now is the right to smoke weed is even on the same scale of importance as the right to firearms? Not even close. However, there should be no reason that if someone wants to enjoy a toke, or have protection, that anyone should be stopping them. If we can smoke cigarettes and drink liquor, I think smoking weed is a small thing to ask for.

I can go on all day about Weed so I will just say one more thing about it; I do agree some people do seem airheaded and retarded. However, you should take into consideration that some people, like myself, have a very hard time communicating when high. It shouldn't be a direct display of actual intelligence or quality of the person. It would be like saying all people who get drunk are dumb, it is a stereotype and it just isn't a fair call to make.

As for the questions you have asked;

Do you know what you want?

No I do not, however I have done some more thinking about it. For now I am going to practice actually using a gun before I go out and purchase my own firearms.

Do you have a clean record?

Yes I do, I wouldn't be wasting my time if I didn't. Stoners aren't that dumb.

Are you dating someone of sane mind that you're happy with?

I am currently not in a relationship, though that isn't really reflective of smoking.

Wait times / permits for a handgun can be a pain in the ass unnecessarily. But getting a long gun or a shot gun it can be somewhat of a pain finding a place to shoot it. Especially if you want to go outdoors. Depends where you live, though.

I live in monmouth county and have a lot of areas where I can go trap shooting at, so as of now I am fine for places to shoot.

Be very careful feeling out the forms, there are some trick questions. Just take your time.

I did take my time when I filled everything out so thank you.

Domestic violence is the #1 reason people lose their gun rights in this state. Remember that. Don't fucking tell anybody you have a firearm in your house unless they are your fucking blood brother family attached to your dick.

This is very good to know, thank you for your advice. and I am sorry I made this so long, I was very grateful for your apology, so I just ran with it.

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