Is purchasing Japanese products wrong?

I was just asking a damn question because I'm confused. You don't need to treat it as a big deal, as you are criticizing me for. I took great care asking this question, and you tear it anyways with your dunce patrol act.

I did research on books as well, so DO NOT think I'm stupid. And your critical bullshit AIN'T gonna help me "grow". I am still researching, but I need more data. Thats why I asked here, researching for more books online if possible... If you can't handle a controversial question, either answer the question or buzz off. (Report to the mods if you don't like any of these questions like this)You need to learn how to control your mouth. I AM STILL TRYING TO LEARN DAMMIT, SO DON'T BE HARD ON ME FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! SHUT UP! PLEASE! SO SICK OF BEING CRITICIZED OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!!

From what I know, a wise person does NOT react like this when encountering a situation like this. What's the big deal? Criticizing heavily over a simple question. You're full of horse shit.

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