Pussy boy weak ass benzo WD's vs badass MDMA brainfry hardships

Idk why but people who abuse MD always seem to be either insanely stupid, fried, or suicidal.
Someone I know was like "I was doing it everyday for 2 weeks, and then I took 400mg and when I was peaking I went to take a hot shower then had a seizure" (for context this person is like 5'4 and weighs barely 100lbs)
I think they stopped after, but Jesus Christ how does someone not go "wow I've done MDMA 3 days in a row, I should stop" let alone do it for 2 weeks in a row
100mg with a 50mg redose a few hours in has me entirely done for 6 months. I don't get these people but now they have irrational panic attacks over nothing all the time so, good for them I guess

/r/drugscirclejerk Thread Link - i.redd.it