A question for those who complain about Hollywood films being "woke", can a mainstream film have gay characters or a strong woman lead and not be "woke"?

but the one kind of power fantasy that gets derided without fail is girl power.

Oh is that right? Hmm...well then explain this 1.5-star review that I wrote about Road House seven months ago:

You know those Mary Sue films that are embarrassing wish fulfillment fantasies starring a young woman who's gorgeous and funny and popular and smart and chased after by all the guys and becomes prom queen and has a heart of gold and always knows what to say?

This is that film for dudes.

So if you're suffering from low-T, or are simply raring to see Patrick Swayze act too cool for school for two hours, this is the film for you

Gee, it's almost like I was consistent and explicitly called out a film for being a ridiculous male power fantasy. God, I must really suck at this dishonesty thing....

Newsflash: you don't see those criticisms because your confirmation bias directs you to material that doesn't include them. They continue to exist without your attention.

You're just wrong about this. That's all it really comes down to. There is no rational reason to assume that everyone who is complaining an issue within this realm of discussion is doing so out of either intentional or unintentional bigotry. That's just you enforcing an oversimplified worldview onto the issue that allows you to think (clearly) very highly of yourself while simultaneously ignoring any contradicting evidence.

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