The question was “What doesn’t need to exist anymore but won’t go away?”

The funny part here is that the OC isn't wrong. And an even better part would have been that the 'Times' he is talking about in wasn't 'white people' who would have benefited from racism. It would have been people of color, being racist against other people of color, who had different religions, bone structure, hairstyles, clothes, and culture.

Think more 5000 years ago, and something more like Egyptians hating on any Africans that wasn't Egyptian.

I honestly don't think that Racism started with white people. And it is crazy to think so. All you are noticing is that in todays global society, it is the white people very visually and actively using it out in least in the USA.

So yeah.... /r/FragileWhiteRedditor

/r/FragileWhiteRedditor Thread Link -