Blm, baaaaaaaaaaaad

There are definitely legitimate criticisms to be made of the country, we just have to be careful to analyze what the state department says with a critical eye, because as you yourself said the US doesn’t care about Muslims, so there’s no reason they would care about this, so obviously there’s other reasons they’re bringing this up, especially in the context of the US government being criticized for concentration camps and in the middle of a new Cold War against China

White Mans Burden was a poem that encapsulated the justifications used by European colonial powers to justify their actions, namely that the countries they colonized couldn’t rule themselves, that the white man was burdening itself in bringing them the light of civilization, and except for the fact that white man has been replaced with American/the west and civilization has been replaced with freedom and democracy nothing has really changed, I would recommend giving it a read, it might sound a bit more familiar then you’d expect

As one example let’s talk about the Nayirah testimony, and since Wikipedia seems to be a reliable source in your mind I’ll link that

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