Awww look at them all triggered

Would it not be better to have a place that they can monitor and is quarantined? I feel like when these SRs are banned, the members scatter and either invade other subs or just create a new one that has no surveillance. At least how it is now - they say disgusting shit, but if they ever tried to organize violence (which has been done before by incels and others like them), admins can at least report it and stop it. I feel like they have it monitored for trigger words.

I used to be on a gaming site, GameFAQs back in the days of dial up, and they had a particular forum that was full of entertaining stuff for me as a 12-13 year old like a beta version of reddit, but was also infamous for doing heinous shit (like an early version of 4chan).

They would find cases of other young people who had committed suicide who had livejournals and personal info, and then troll their families relentlessly - prank call them pretending to be the kid, send fake pizza orders, doxx them so others can do it. I ended up purposely getting myself banned by trolling/spamming the forum after this whole trend started because I was so grossed out by it, so I don't know what happened to those people after I left, other than they eventually created their own website. I would guess a lot of them became incels themselves.

The admin of the site was very vocal about how he felt. He quarantined the forum, locked new users from being allowed on, and everyone who got their accts banned permanently lost access to the forum, making it slowly dry out. His reasoning was that if they just deleted the forum, these users would reform and invade another random forum like a cancer, and admins wouldn't be able to keep watch for users trying to organize others to troll suicide victim's families.

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