Quick question

It's more about age, style, or openness. If a guy seems younger than me I do not view him as being approachable by me. Even though they often approach me and think I am younger. But, I will certainly smile back, etc. If a guy has a style that seems very different from mine and he is really into that style I might feel he is not approachable by me because I will think he prefers someone that wears more make-up, bling, certain style of clothes, or hair style, or possibly different body type depending on certain things. But, again, if they show interest in me then I figure they are approachable. Personally I had body dysmorphia when I was younger. I did not know I was perceived as being very attractive. Although I was used to getting a lot of attention. But, certain guys also seemed to have a wall up towards me, so I didn't view them as approachable by me. Recently a guy I knew from college told me that I was considered in the top five of most attractive girls at the school. And he said girls talked about me behind my back either negative or complaining that I was perfect and all the guys wanted me. I remember negative interactions and being written about on the bathroom wall. And he described numerous guys talking about me being hot and attractive and sexy. It was pretty extensive some of the stuff he told me and details he remembered (specific outfits and everything). I had no idea. I met my husband in college and he also told me the guys all shared sexy nicknames for me to alert eachother when I was there, so they could look at me. I never approached guys. I just didn't see myself the way others did. I had no clue. Whenever I caught guys checking me out I would look at my own body to see what they were seeing. I just didn't see myself the way others did. But, I met my wonderful husband, so that's great! But, anytime a guy showed interest in me and approached me and was kind to me I was receptive to them. And still get asked out because I love when people are friendly and talk to me and I laugh and smile and talk when people engage with me. I still don't really completely know how I am perceived. Except in settings in which I am dancing then I get a lot of people looking, smiling, pointing. I am a dancer, so dancing is when I thrive. I'm not shy about any public dancing. But, more shy talking at times.

/r/AskWomenOver30 Thread