/r/conspiracy cries racism over news anchor's comments; forgets that their sub blames Jewish people for literally everything wrong in the world

No... your attitude is shit.

Your immediate response to someone thinking your dumb fucking stances are dumb is 'WELL THAT PERSON MUST BE YOUNG AND NOT KNOW THINGS!!'

How about go fuck yourself you entitled piece of shit?

The level of arrogance is staggering, especially when you're literally supporting arguments that are EASILY VERIFIABLY INCORRECT.

Starting with your idiotic statements about ecstacy helping people with depression (I know it's hard for your old and stupid ass to understand, but drugs can HELP people!), to your complete lack of understanding about the trade wars trump has started.

Lets see, ONE example is the soy industry in this country. We are the worlds #1 grower of soy, China is our #1 customer.

They told us to shove our soy up our asses and are buying it CHEAPER from our competitors around the world.

Now trump has to give soy farmers 12 billion dollars to bail them out, for an industry that has been effectively murdered by our Cheeto in Chief.

Seems like a great way to spend 12 billion dollars of taxpayer money, instead of on veterans or homeless kids.

You get your fucking information from facebook and think you know about pharmacology because you've been afraid of drugs your whole life... seriously go fuck off and die already.

/r/FragileWhiteRedditor Thread Parent Link - np.reddit.com