Racism to whites should not be acceptable

Was that peak membership in 2017? Was slavery in 2017? The height of sign-ups for KKK loot boxes? Nah? What about segregation? I agree we have made progress, and I fully agree that there are people who refuse to accept the truth. I just have serious doubts about what most people think the truth is. I've never met a slave in my life. Met some people who molded my perspective though. They never used any of this bullshit as a springboard to do so and never worried about the fact that we were different colors or let it hamper them from being a teacher to a 8+ year old, fatherless, confused young white male who lived in section 8 housing with their families when we could and sometimes worse. I'm not attacking you, but everything below this post gets wordy. I'm not calling you anything or anyone else anything. Just trying to find the best place for this.

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