Rage Against the Mach(Ei)ne - General Discussion and Questions Thread

I'm bored, so i'm gonna start some chaos. Raiden and childe story quest are basically the same. They tried to make the main villain of that arc into likeable character in their story quest, for childe it is to show that he's loving older brother despite willing to kill innocence live in liyue, he willing to lower his dignity as harbinger so that his brother never found out. For raiden it is to show she has a good side despite being a tyrant to her people to reach her goal. So i don't really get it why people are okay with childe story quest but not for raiden? And the raiden second part of the story quest is better since it's continuation of the archon quest like the consequence for tenryou comission while childe second part is just some random ruin monster factory that we never and will never heard of it again

One other thing is for people who said liyue archon quest is better than inazuma archon quest. They literally the opposite in term of pace. Inazuma is fast pace while liyue is slow pace. Liyue is slow as fuck with nothing memorable happened in the first 2 act, go buy some jade, go back to mond for some reason, go make some perfume, go find cocogoat, go sing to flower. At least inazuma has memorable moments,npc as well and more playable characters actually show up. Tbh, i don't really like both of it but i would rather get more story related stuff to do even though it's fast pace than force me to make an errand that could simply be skip to add more related story instead

/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks Thread