Raising Arizona fanfic

Pearl Harbor...

Sunday, December 7th...


...Early afternoon.

                         ....Battleship row.

"And the lord said unto them...." The U.S.S Tennessee preached loudly to a large group of sailors on her rigging as they all stood, heads bowed with fingers locked.

Her battleship sisters all sat around her as well, doing their own thing as they all listened indifferently.

The Pacific fleet girls were all wearing different bathing suits with locked rigs as they were simply waiting-in-anchor.

Their hulls, hatches, and weapons were for inspection as today was like any other Sunday in Pearl Harbor....

"Are you about done sis?" U.S.S. California moaned loudly, applying suntan lotion in the most skimpiest bikini as she sat in the back of battleship row, next to a record player.

/r/AzureLane Thread Parent