Random discussion thread for 11 February 2017, Weekend Edition

Currently working on my lecture; thought to share the first minute of it:

"The universe is a rather surreal and bizarre subject. Many of the things around us require a special kind of explanation. With everything, it starts with a problem and a curiosity. Something strikes people as odd. It doesn’t fit in with the usual explanation. Maybe harder thinking or more careful observation will resolve the problem. If it remains a puzzle, it stimulates one’s imagination. Perhaps a completely new way of looking at things is needed? Humanity is perpetually trying to trying to find better explanations - better in a sense that any new explanation must not only explain the new puzzle, but also be consistent with all the previous explanations that still work well. There are many things in the universe that is very bizarre and very surreal, for example, a teaspoon of a neutron star (one of the most dense things known) placed on one of the audience’s head will crush the person. Did you also know, that the brightest star visible in the Bruneian sky…. Is the Sun? (sorry that was horrible)

As fascinating as the universe is, this lecture won’t be about the universe, although frankly speaking the universe would be a much more interesting lecture topic. This lecture will be about something very very very insignificant, unimportant and irrelevant to the larger picture of the universe, but something very very important, something very significant and very much relevant to us humans.

This lecture will be about Planet Earth. Our home."

/r/Brunei Thread