[Rant] Why the fuck won't anyone book us?

THANKS. Finally some real insight. I understand our age works against us. We don't post at all on our Facebook, its not really what people age 16-23 use, its mostly there for the older people that dig us. We've made actually about 3 dozen posts about shows on our Facebook this year, we just take them down after shows and just leave the videos. We feel its basically advertising and we don't want a bunch of reminders for one show to be what people see when they go to older posts. Thanks for criticism. We are currently 19.

How would you go about finding a booking agent? We have buddy bands with agents but they are all kinda trash agents and our buddies say they only book about 10% of the shows they play, they book their own the rest.

Also, I didn't "attack" him. He attacked me and assumed a bunch of shit off of one post that was clearly a whiney rant. I've contributed countless times on this forum, I don't start fights or bicker, or bitch. I encourage and help people, it just sucked to have one guy come in and dismiss all my claims because "I've seen you at your worst anonymously so you must obviously be an ass." Not cool. If I wanted to get ripped down while frustrated I'd go back to talking to local bands.

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