[Rant] I'm sorry, I thought this was a salaried position

Happened to me at the soul drain that was my last job. I was non exempt so I was earning overtime for any time worked over 40 hours in a sunday-saturday work week, the bad side was I had to specifically request overtime hours if I was going to go over. I had worked sunday for a period of hours and had to burn my time somewhere in the week by either leaving early, taking a longer lunch or coming in a little later. I didn't much care because on wednesday of that week, I gave my two weeks + 3 days notice because I found my current job and wanted out of that hell hole.

Thursday I took an extra twenty minutes on lunch to call my folks because my dad wasn't doing well. I sit back down and get up to leave at my normal time from my cubicle and my manager rips me a new one right there in front of the entire team ending the conversation with, "You still owe me two weeks, that's enough time to get fired."

The next day I called my new job and asked if I could bump my start day up to Monday. They said that wednsday was the soonest they could do it. Close enough for me. At noon I sent out an email to my boss and my boss' boss explaining that effective immediately that I rescinded my two weeks, had completed my 40 hours for that week and explained that I refused to be treated that way and be made a public example like that.

My boss was actually out that day since his mom was having health issues (ironic huh?), so I surrendered all my items to the security guard, left my badge, got a receipt for the items and walked out of the building. When I got home, I turned off my phone, poured myself a glass of whiskey and enjoyed the mini vacation I had to myself. Those were the LEAST stressfull days I've ever had.

I felt kind of bad for leaving my team in the dirt since I was the only one with tribal knowledge on half the accounts they supported and my boss didn't even take the time to arrange for KT or new people to take over my accounts. Likewise, there was a system change for that weekend that I was the head of and had the plan for.

Let me tell you, I was working every weekend. I was working 22-27 hour DAYS. and I was one of 3 senior resources on a team of ~15-20 people.

I had no time to myself, I was getting yelled at because after working 27 hours straight (not kidding, I worked 7 am to 10am the next morning) I decided to take the rest of the day off and missed meetings for other accounts. It sucked.

Now that I'm out looking in, I realize life is SOOOO much better when you get an employer that actually gives a damn about it's employees and sees you more than just a resource working on something and sees you as a person.

/r/sysadmin Thread