We’re basically 1/4 of the way through February, and I realize something about Starfield.

November was just 3 months ago. Based on my playthrough in Bethesda's previous big games (Fallout 4, Skyrim), I'd say I would have still never finished even a single run of the game. Usually finishing the main story in these games is not my focus anyway - and between outpost and ship building, and exploring 1000 planets, I think there is plenty of content to keep me busy way more than 3 months for a single run.

And by the time I'm fed up with my run, there would already be interesting mods to make my future runs more interesting.

The game was delayed once (so far), and it's not the first time this happens to a main Bethesda RPG.

I think waiting for Cyberpunk 2077 cured me of being hyped for games to the point that delays are unbearable. I want them to delay the game. I want it to release when they feel they can deliver something complete and polished enough (I don't expect no bugs, or even only a few bugs - but I do want things to be reasonably stable and unbroken).

I don't want releases like Fallout 76 or Cyberpunk 2077. These just ruin the initial experience with the game, and you can only experience game for the first time once. Sure, even if the release is super broken it will be fixed in time, and with patches and community modding the game will eventually be amazing - but I do want my initial vanilla run to be fun. It was good with Skyrim and with Fallout 4, and I'm sure they can do the same with Starfield - we just need to give them time and be PATIENT.

/r/Starfield Thread