Advice you DON'T follow?

More characters are better than constellations.

I see no point having 20+ 5* characters and can only use up to 8 in abyss. I think dev did good job balancing general team dps. Having 20+ 5* mean you will only have more teams of mediocre dps.

Having variation of teams help against some tricky situation is also not true. With the same amount of primo, team with high enough invest can muscle though it just as easily while destroy it in normal situation. I brought 2 Electro+Dendro+Anemo against Thunder Manifestation in abyss 12 and still cleared it in 30s.

Even I am 1st week player + bp&welkin. I only have 8 limited 5* but they are stacked with constellations and weapon.

/r/Genshin_Impact Thread