This ambitious apartment project was scrapped as many compared it to the Twin Towers on 9/11

I was in kindergarten on 9/11 and I still remember it vividly. Someone ran into the classroom and whispered to my teacher, then my teacher screamed “oh god” and ran to turn on the TV…just as the second tower was hit live. My entire classroom screamed.

We were really close to the city and all had family who worked there. Our school went into lockdown. We all hid under our little desks crying.

A few of my classmates’ parents worked in the towers and survived or were missing for a few days and were found later on. I know a few kids who lost their parents or family members.

My dad, thankfully, wasn’t even in the city yet and was able to turn around. He worked close to the towers. My uncle was FDNY and wasn’t one of the immediate first responders, but did work there at ground zero on 9/11. He lost a lot of friends.

Idk, I remember the whole day so fucking vividly. I remember my dad came to pick me up from school and he was crying the whole way home and he kept saying “the whole fucking world is gonna change now. The whole fucking world.”

Jokes about 9/11 itself don’t really bother me- like, country is shit and our government/Bush definitely did play a big part in it. But jokes about the victims are what really fucking bother me tbh

Maybe it’s because I was so close to it, literally/physically and metaphorically, but I still have a feeling of dread and blackness whenever I think about it.

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