The real winners of Super Bowl 51

Well I was talking to my wife about how the SB winner jerseys are made for both teams and it sucks that they only donate them to Africa is because they have 0 value in the US aside from a parody route. How I couldn't imagine being in a situation where I am given what everyone has rejected.

She had a good point in that they still get items of clothing that will help them keep warm and can be used to make blankets and so on.

I was just torn on how I felt... Then questioned how am I any bit better as I have done nothing to help poverty in parts of Africa or even any other 3rd world country. At least a company thought to give it to them as well as having the means.

I quickly turned to try and make a joke out of the situation so I thought of this meme. Still thinking about how I am making a lame reused joke to hide thinking about my lack of charity, but that is an ongoing battle.

As far as the I am high bit.... Sorry. I know it is stupid. I will try and be less stereotypical. It is getting old. As is my OP

Take care, stranger

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