Really Valve, just delete this event and gift everyone 50 battle levels as a compensation.

Underlords at this point is literally a crap shoot. Mo'rokai is the same, but worse. Imagine you're losing a game, which is except it's worse with a giant beast taking down your towers. You lost your lanes? Just let the enemy team win. If you don't then welcome to 50m doto. If you don't than welcome to a literal time waste. If you don't welcome to missed BP lvls. If you don't, who cares? Valve doesn't. It's not the ONLY legitimate game the company owns. Fuck it. At this point delete dota cause it's clearly not something of importance for the company that paid for it. I'm sick of this year. It's lame, uninspired and quite frankly a lazy interpretation of what we all love. I know someone put a lot of work into the game mode, but bro they tied you to a whipping post amd left you for dead. Your event sucks and the people that said to make it suck even worse. Quit. Legit. Don't waste your time on a game that the company that supports it doesn't give a fuck enough about. Fuck valve. Fuck steam. Be a normal company and give a fuck about your game.

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