Recent survey: 72% of Swedes want to reintroduce conscription [translation in comments]

Explain to me why Sweden had one of the worlds best economies during the cold war, and still could field 700 000 of some of the worlds most technologically advanced and trained fighting force.

Because most of that army is an "on paper" tiger in the sense that it's a guy with a gun, but the second the fighting start half of them are dead.

Yeah, and a single RBS system can take out that bombed.

Can it also take out the 50 others alongside it ? Ammunition is cheaper than your manpower.

A field launch radar can detect were those field batteries are as soon as they fire.

Field radar designed and operated by the americans i'd imagine ? So, without NATO what are you ?

That is fucking insulting and wrong

Because calling me 8 times a retard in the span of 03 minutes wasn't /s

Don't ever ask a foreign service veteran in Sweden that question in such a tone.

I'll damn ask you if i damn want. Of course if the answer is classified you are unlikely to answer, but that's another thing.

Norway, Finland and Denmark all are eagerly waiting for the right moment when they can finally backstab Sweden!!1! /s. Seriously

Joke apart, imagine one of them is neutral and refuse your gear & manpower to pass, and the second one withdraw all their strategic assets from your country and suddenly you have no radar and overenight no spare parts for your grippens. Plan for the worst ?

You're sounding like a kid making up a scenario for a plastic soldier war play session.

Contingency plans is what's going to save your arse in the worst circumstances no ? If not, why are the americans doing so many of them ? are their own base strategy wrong ?

and how their main fighting force has been loosing ground ever since the beginning of that conflict

Yes, but not just due to raw manpower. But i'm not sure i should comment more there, true

Like they were ready during the late cold war.

Here's the big issue : What happends when the next war isn't just a repeat of the same cold war you plan for ?

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