Knights of the Old Republic questions

The gameplay is fine, but you have to accept the combat more turn based than action. You don't push a button to fire a blaster or swing a lightsaber.

When you're running around and you encounter an enemy, time will freeze. You then issue 3 orders to you and your two teammates. Stuff like, attack with a weapon, use a force power, or use an item. Unpause time and watch while everyone carries out the orders you gave them. When their orders run out, they will attack with their current weapon but you can pause then change or issue more orders at any time.

Minor spoiler, but should be obvious: the flaw in the combat for me is you'll quickly become a Jedi and the D&D roll-to-hit, roll-for-damage, subtract hitpoint system means you won't be decapitating low-level enemies. Instead, you'll be trading blows until your opponent eventually dies from 7 lightsaber wounds to the arm.

The story is great but some of the quests can get a little trope-y while others have a thick layer of cheese, but the good far outweighs the bad. The game really FEELS like Star Wars. The voice acting, environments and sound design are all wonderful.

As far as designing your character, standard RPG rules apply. It's better to specialize in a few skills and play to your strengths than be average at everything. Besides you get to choose 2 of 9 crew members to round out your party. If you want to play a Han Solo type character who attacks with a blaster or a healer who hangs back to support in battle, you can. You'd probably want to bring along a Jedi to tank, but for your first time you'd likely want to be the badass Jedi yourself and bring teammates who hack, buff and heal.

/r/patientgamers Thread