Reddit admins still conspiring to shut us down

For small minded admins like u/imnoidiot5 and the rest of them in that conversation, there is something you should realize about your thoughts on banning r/the_donald ... You seem to think it will be something that will be hailed by liberal cuckholds like you and the other admins on Reddit that live within your safe space echo chambers. You'll also thought youll knew Hillary was going to win the election because that was the thought process within that echo chamber.

Let me bring you a bit of reality. If you ban the_donald you will ultimately destroy Reddit. People already view it in a new light as a censorship platform and no longer the free speech platform it started out as. It isn't just Donald Trump supporters who Reddit would lose. It's people that already disagree with the leftist liberal ideology you admins and u/spez have turned Reddit into. It's people that are not even Trump supporters, hell, entire subreddits, that stand with us. You ban us, you kill Reddit. It will be news across Breitbart to over 45 million unique visitors. News on Drudge to even more unique visitors. Hell, you think Donald Trump himself wouldnt tweet it to his 16 million followers that Reddit has censored and banned a sub dedicated to the future POTUS simply because your fascist ideology is to crush speech that doesn't align with yours? Reddit would be finished as the platform it was once known as, and boycotted as a call to action by these same outlets, much like Breitbart has done to Kelloggs. It would trend #1 nationally on Twitter just as Breitbart did, and known far and wide that Reddit is just a liberal leftist site, not a site for all. No one is going to believe your lame ass excuses for whatever shit reason you come up with, because everybody already knows with the tons of leaks from your own that disagree with you. The mod who posted as an alt thought he would garner sympathy and LMAO, got completely shit on. This small mindedness of the admins who somehow think they have majority consensus...well guess what, that thread showed exactly what Reddit thought. Moreover, you arent just responsible for those already on Reddit as admins, you are responsible for the future of Reddit and the consensus of opinion that those who have yet to discover Reddit think of when they think of Reddit. And if they think of Reddit as a neolib echo chamber that censors speech that does not align with their ideology then all the marketing efforts in the world will not save the future of Reddit.

You would essentially alienate Reddit from half of its current visitors. Not something Reddits investors would be pleased about. You admins, and Spez himself would essentially be the downfall of what the world once knew as the true Reddit. You can ban us individually simply because your fee fees got hurt. We can create new accounts very easily. IP ban us? sure. We got VPN's. Karma? Who cares. I made over 100k karma in 3 months because, like the rest of the centipedes here, we are excited about the theme of our subreddit. Karma is ez to come by, and at the same time its absolutely meaningless. Keep that in mind as you'll plot the ban of the-donald. Because you can absolutely take to the bank it will get global attention with 300,000 centipedes and huge news sites/ aggregators, and trending hashtags, and we'll never let it be silenced. Good day...

/r/The_Donald Thread Link -