Reddit.. Who is the annoying guy/girl at work? What does he/she do?

Alright so first, I gotta give you some background on this bitch. So basically imagine Chris Farley meets Dick Cheny, that's what she looked like. She got huge after getting pregnant to this guy in a different division who was already married, but that's a different story. She was completely useless, she didn't know anything about her job, she was lazy, she wined; basically no one had anything good to say about this bitch. The one and only thing that she was good for, was food runs. At 0030 when nothing is going on and we're all getting hungry we'd send he to go get us jack in the box or something like that, since she sure as hell wasn't contributing to the watch team so at least we could get some use out of her. One of our doors broke inside of the building and it was a door to a high security area, so what does the navy do? Fix it? Fuck no, we'd got useless bodies that can sit in front of the door and guard it! So guess who we'd have guard the door for four hours straight? Yup, this bitch. Anyways, so basically I was sitting in the movie theater and checked my credit card transactions via my phone and found $300 of starbucks card reloads. I walked outta the movie theater, called and canceled my card and had them send me a new one, I didn't think any more of it since I do a lot of online transactions; cost of doing business and all that. Anyways so I was ranting to my friends about having to cancel my card, and one of my bosses gets this really serious look on his face and is like “You need to go the LPO about this right away”. I was thinking WTF is this shit? Why is it any of his business? Anyways that's when I get this story about how one of the other girls that I work with had $1300 stolen off of her credit card and how it was linked back to the fat bitch(she had stuff shipped to her house, how'd she think she wouldn't get caught?). So I walk on over to the MA's, sign a written statement, and head back to my section. She had been writing down peoples credit card info when she was going on food runs, she'd bought several hundred dollars with of starbucks card reloads, disney swag for her bastard(in the literal sense) child, and oakley sun glasses for her baby daddy. Anyways so after all this had happened you'd think they'd kick her out right away, or maybe send her to go do manual labor elsewhere. Nope, she worked directly underneath me for another 4 months until she was processed out of the Navy. I literally had to supervise someone who stole from me; and I'm not above petty recourse. They needed a volunteer to guard that broken door? I volunteered our division to watch it for our full 12 hour shift rather than dividing it up among the four divisions, I then assigned her to that door for those full 12 hours. Some random first class got all but hurt that she was reading some random ass magainze out there, so to add insult to injury she could only read offical navy training documents; icing on the cake. After all was said and done Navy Fed credited me the money back, she and her baby daddy got kicked out(him because the whole adultery thing came to light when she was getting caught for theft), now we all that shit about her ever two and half years later. One last thing, for whatever reason before she was caught, she would bring starbucks in for everyone, we all insisted that it was too expensive for her to buy starbucks for everyone and not to do it. Now I we know where all that starbucks money was coming from!

/r/AskReddit Thread