Redditors who grew up with strict parents, what was the most absurd rule you had to live by?

Life is so strange.

I always thought my parents were strict growing up.


Having a Nintendo, SNES, gameboys, And n64 and getting quite a bit of unrestricted play time.

Being allowed to have a subscription to mad magazine at age 8.

Being allowed to watch a lot of TV unsupervised which led to years and hundreds of hours of watching scrambled porn from age 8-11

Learning how to masturbate and having the complete bathroom privacy to do so starting at age 9 or so. I still tried to hide it but they must have known. I depleted entire supplies of mineral oil and hand lotion.

Being allowed to listen to Snoop Doggy Doug and Dr Dre and their label mates as early as age 8. Being allowed to watch their videos on MTV. Being allowed to watch Beavis and Butthead.

Unrestricted access to internet around age 11. Saw and stileproject shortly after. Had a login I used to make money off of in junior high selling it for 10 bucks a pop.

Was allowed a VCR in my room at age 11 or so which I used almost solely for porn tapes I smuggled into the house.

For my early teenage years pot and alcohol use were pretty much ignored and I didn’t have to hide either from them much until they sensed it affecting me quite negatively.

Maybe I was more neglected although I never really felt that way. Always had family vacations, good xmas, birthday parties.

And I really thought they were strict for “no kids talking at the dinner table while Dad is talking” or “no video games until you clean your room” type shit.

Since I’ve become an adult myself with kids i now realize I was born into a peter pan’s lost boys type childhood.

I’ve got nothing on all of you here. Absolutely nothing.

/r/AskReddit Thread