I Refuse to Stand By While My Students Are Indoctrinated

But you do realize that there are unintended consequences, right? That policies can have such outcomes even when it's not the intention?

When it comes to racism, I'd say intention makes all the difference in the world. Otherwise, you're basically arguing that any act or policy that negatively impacts the poor in aggregate is racist, since it is going to disproportionately affect people of color by default. As a result, instead of putting attention on classism (where it really should be), you spend all of your time arguing about how black people are getting fucked over. And implicit in that argument is a message to poor, white folks that 'if you're white and you happen to also be negatively impacted by this, you don't matter, so fuck you and check your privilege'.

I understand that's not what is meant, but that's how it comes across.

/r/samharris Thread Parent Link - bariweiss.substack.com