Looking for true advice on exclusively formula feeding.

I have 3 kids. The shame is real. Don't worry about it, do what's best for you. Yes, breastmilk is ideal, but there are some good formulas out there. You provided nourishment for your baby for 9 months while pregnant. Don't feel like you haven't done anything for your baby.

With my first breastfeeding didn't work out. She went on a sensitive formula for constipation issues. Enfamil.

My second I formula fed and pumped for a few months. Breastfeeding didn't work out but partially pumping did. We did the regular similac. When I stopped partially pumping I went into postpartum psychosis and that was insane. The hormones shifting contributed to it. We thought we were done having kids.

My third was a surprise. I nursed a couple times in the hospital which he ended up throwing up anyways. I thought about pumping but it's time consuming. I didn't want to risk going into postpartum psychosis again. Luckily I didn't but bad postpartum depression for the 3rd time. We do the regular similac again. I get horrible post partum depression every time. Breastfeeding would be too much for me. I've been suicidal postpartum and breastfeeding would have compounded everything. I'm glad I'm still around for my kids, even if I am formula feeding.

Anyways, I recommend regular formula instead of sensitive unless you really need sensitive.

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