Do you look down on people who pay for escorts? Why or why not?

No. It's like saying, "fuck you, my immediate family member was in a horrific accident and I had to change adult diapers, sit up all night in hospitals to make sure the person was turned and didn't develop bed sores and turn the person every two hours when they were at home. In addition to spending 45+ minutes transferring the person into a chair every time we went somewhere."

So, you may not care. But I feel like I can tell you your "disability" sounds like utter bullshit from the entitled attitude you've been having. If it isn't, I apologize. But it sure as hell isn't as bad as not being able to move and having to go through a year of therapy before you can swallow.

If you can do sex work, I don't know why you can't get a job. Now, you're not going to tell me the disability because it's almost assuredly mental. And again, you can fuck off with that.

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